Friday, May 16, 2014

POST # 65 - "FEARS OF A GO-GO GIRL!" by Kirby/Colletta (original art)

Hello, Comics Fan!

I am 


I am pleased to bring you today's artwork!

It is an unpublished story from an unpublished black and white magazine that Jack Kirby was going to produce for DC Comics. In 1971,  Kirby got the greenlight from DC to produce a line of mature-themed black and white magazines, two of which saw print and two of which were never published. IN THE DAYS OF THE MOB, with stories about infamous gangsters like Ma Barker and Al Capone (which can be viewed in it's entirety here), and SPIRIT WORLD, with stories of supernatural mysteries, each managed to get one issue each published. In addition to these two B & W magazines, Kirby was working on two mature romance-themed books, TRUE DIVORCE CASES, about the other side of romance, and SOUL LOVE, an African-American romance comic. For whatever reasons, the publisher pulled the plug before these two romance mags could see print.

Today's story, "FEARS OF A GO-GO GIRL!" was one of the tales to be included in the first issue of SOUL LOVE.  It is a shame these books never got to be produced, since Kirby at this time was at the top of his form, and who knows what great work was never realized. Kirby's pencils were inked by Vince Colletta, and in the original artwork shown here (which was found online at the Heritage Auction website) you will see quite a bit of white out and re-work done, specifically for the female protagonist's face. Colletta is now infamous in comic book circles for often erasing and allegedly decimating Kirby's detailed pencil art, and whether you are a fan or a detractor, I leave those critical judgments for you, the viewer, to decide here.

I welcome your comments, opinions, and insights below. 

So, for better or worse,
Here is Jack Kirby's



-click on images to enlarge-


Here is the proposed cover to SOUL LOVE #1, ink wash artwork by Jack Kirby.


What did you think of this story and artwork, friend?

Leave a comment below and let me know...

I'll be back soon with more great black and white artwork and stories!

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