Saturday, January 22, 2011


Hello, fans of great art!

The Apocolyte has returned.
More great black and white comic stories coming soon.

First, a brief message.
For anyone who cares, I didn't forget about you or abandon you, but the truth is I was the victim of cyber terrorism which destroyed my computer and has played havoc with my personal life as well as my income for the past several months. That is why I haven't been able to post anything for nearly a year.

To anyone who fancies themselves a computer hacker, go get a real job and stop destroying peoples work. The fact is I have a family and an elderly father who depend on me to take care of them, and when you attack my computer and my personal work, you are attacking and hurting not only me, but several people who depend on me. Life is hard enough nowadays.

Not only did these cyber-schmucks ruin my life for the past year, but they prevented all of you wonderful folks from enjoying the posts I had prepared. For that alone, I am angry at these spoiled cyber-creeps. So, you break-a my computer, I break-a you face! Go find a real hobby instead of destroying what someone else created...

Well, I'm back, and starting from scratch once again. Please be patient as I begin to re-scan all my stories and then soon enough I'll be posting with regularity.

Though I had never intended to do so, I will be setting up a PayPal link here and on my other blogs so that anyone who wishes to may offer donations, and I again say that I must do so as a real neccesity at this point. If you enjoy this blog, or any of my other blogs, please consider a gift of any size if you are able. I thank you for considering this, and I and my family thank you for your viewership and support. The link is on the right just above the Followers - Please click on the PayPal / Donate button (you don't need a PayPal account). I am grateful for any amount you can manage. Thank you again.
Please stay tuned for much more to come.

Thank you!

To commission original artwork of any type, email me at

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