Monday, March 29, 2010

POST # 35 - "JEWELS OF GWAHLUR!" by Dick Giordano

Many of you have no doubt heard the sad news
that Dick Giordano has passed away.

As a comics fan growing up in the Silver Age, I recall seeing his name on nearly every DC comic I ever brought home from the drugstore (they didn't have comic shops back then).  My favorite comics featuring Mr. Giordano would have to be ones that had him working with Neal Adams, as I thought his inks over Adams pencils seemed to be a perfect fit.

Dick Giordano, besides being one of DC comics best and most popular inkers, was clearly also a wonderful and talented penciller as well. You can look up his name at the usual places on the web, and find out more about Dick Giordano and his long and respected career as artist and editor, as I am unable to delve too deep into his history at the moment. Suffice to say, the man did excellent work over the many years he spent working in the comics industry. It is my honor to post for you a story he pencilled and inked, for Marvel comics Savage Sword Of Conan # 25, in 1977.  It was adapted from Robert E. Howard's work, by Roy Thomas. You may agree with me that he does an outstanding job, his version of Conan being able to stand shoulder to shoulder alongside the likes of those by John Buscema, Barry Windsor-Smith, Neal Adams, and Gil Kane. That says alot for the man's talent. It is a shame he didn't get to do more like this.

I want to offer my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends, and to say thank you, Mr. Giordano, for all you have contributed to comics that has entertained and captivated our imaginations all these years.

Dick Giordano
(7/20/1932 - 3/27/2010)



Here is a link to Mark Evanier's POV ONLINE
where he has more regarding Dick Giordano.


Plenty of wonderful art found on Dick Giordano's own site.


  1. Giordano was my favorite Neal Adams inker, and a fine pencil-pusher in his own right. These Savage Sword issues are new to my eyes, as I had a limited budget as a kid and opted to subscribe to Conan & King Conan, but not the mags. Thanx for posting Apoco-Wurl~!

  2. Dick was a total sweetheart. Generous to young talent, and to everyone else. It was a sad day when he left DC, but not so sad as today.

    Thanks so much for this tribute to a wonderful guy.

  3. Incredible!

    I had no idea that Giordano worked on this title. This was an issue that I had missed and I'm grateful for the chance to enjoy it now, plus it makes a fitting tribute.

    I also agree that his rendition of the mighty Cimmerian is worthy of the others who crafted his long run of Marvel Comics adventures.

  4. Lysdexicuss,
    and Chuck,

    Thanks for the comments!
    This episode/story by Giordano is indeed a rare treat, in my opinion. At first glance, it is nicely done with solid art. At second reading, I can appreciate more and more Mr. Giordano's work and what he brought to the table. Sometimes artists like DG may be taken for granted, in that his work is competent, solid, and yet not overly flashy or outstanding compared to many artists whose individual styles were more, shall we say, attention-grabbing. May we all take the time to learn to appreciate each artist on their own merits, and not in comparison to one another, like apples and oranges.

    Like I mentioned, a closer look at this story, in retrospect, has brought it (in my view) out of virtual obscurity, and elevated it to a place of honor as one of my favorite Conan tales of this particular era. Giordano did an absolutely fantastic job!

    Thanks for the great comments, friends!

  5. Thanx so much for these gorgeous pages! Dick was pretty awesome all by himself... and one of Neal's best Inkers... and one of the best Inkers in the business.

    If you look close, you'll notice that all of the backgrounds were Inked by Inker extraordinaire Terry Austin.

  6. I will never forget how Dick inked John Buscema's Red Sonja riding on a horse - nor can anyone else I believe - his talent is truly beyond compare!
