Monday, January 18, 2010

POST # 24 - "ONE FOR DE-MONEY" by Angelo Torres

Angelo Torres was one of the first artists to be featured here, and you will very likely see his name and artwork here quite often, if I can help it! The more I revisit his art for Warren Publications, the more respect I have for his bold and finished style.
Today's tale comes from EERIE # 2, 1966, and was written by E. Nelson Bridwell. If you've ever read a DC comic or a MAD magazine from the sixties, you've read Bridwell's work. This happened to be his first contribution to the Warren line (click here for another), a story about a rich uncle, a squandering nephew, and conjurings of demons. Torres creates such an aura of horror, you can practically smell the sulfur and brimstone tickling your nostrils.

A classic horror tale of greed and murder, here is...

1 comment:

  1. A W E S O M E~~!!

    The panel where the Demon is strangling Vernon~ it looks like he's being (GASP) MOUNTED (aka F**ked inna A**) ! And the non-twist, perfectly plausible ending ? Reminds me of that issue of Witching Hour where the Gypsy tells the Con-Artist, reading his palm, that he can do whatever he wants in Life and get away with it, so long as he protects his lifeline... So, when he is escaping from the bell-tower after committing robbery/murder, he slides down the ROPE.... yee hee HEE HEEYAH !
