Thursday, December 3, 2009

POST # 16 - "A CHANGE OF PACE!" by Tom Sutton

Tom Sutton is a very versatile and under-appreciated artist. When he drew this story he had already been working for both Marvel and Warren for about a year, where his art was eaning deserved praise. What I really like about his comic stories (for Warren especially) is how he changed his style effortlessly depending on the story, ranging from total gothic horror to the sweet and humorous. Here he uses a little bit looser, kind of Jack Davis-ish approach. I have many more examples his varying styles to be shared sometime soon. For right now, here is a little topic near to my heart, time travel. Do you know how many variables we threaten to unravel with each journey through the plethora of time? Ha!  Here's a story of a couple of time travelers who weren't paying attention in science class, a couple of guys looking for...

Here is Tom Sutton's fantastic cover for this story.
EERIE # 18, 1968.


  1. Apocolyte- Great stuff as always. I'm curious; Do you think/know if the individual story artists drew Cousin Eerie and Uncle Creepy's heads for the splash page intro's or were they all drawn by a separate artist?

  2. Aaron,
    I believe that varied...I think about 2/3 of the time it was just the stock art (Davis, Frazetta, Corben, etc) of Cousin Eerie or Uncle Creepy, but once or twice an issue you might see the custom drawn mascots, linking them to the story visually. If you are wondering about this story, I would say, yes, Sutton drew the faces of Eerie. Those are definitely not the 'stock' face shots, so very likely all Sutton. Thanks! I appreciate your comment and question.

  3. I would have to disagree with the analysis, I think Sutton's style on this story was much more of a straight forward Wood-like style than a loss style. Great story even if it was predictable. The Santa murder story in a later issue was much more mature and much better writing that involved a surprise ending.
