Monday, November 2, 2009

POST # 2 - "GIVE AND TAKE" by Russ Heath

In 1966, America was embroiled in it's seventh year of a little conflict called the Viet Nam War.  It would be nine more years before the American troop withdrawal and the fall of Saigon. That was the political and social climate that year when Warren Publications put out the fourth and final issue of it's excellent military-themed black & white comic magazine BLAZING COMBAT. Each issue featured covers by Frank Frazetta, and interior content by some of the best writers and artists of the day. The story we feature today is by one of the greatest artists of war comics, if not THE greatest. Take a moment now to enjoy the little story of a battle for a hilltop in Italy, 1944, told as only Archie Goodwin and Russ Heath could.

On September 29th, 2009, Russ Heath celebrated his 83rd birthday! What an incredibly gifted artist and story-teller! One of the best of all-time -- Happy Birthday and all the best to you, Russ!

Here is the cover for this issue. Art by Frank Frazetta.


  1. Apocolyte: Walloping good start! I'm in for a penny and a pound! Further, for what it's worth, I have Black & White linked up over at my two comic joints. Great idea for a blog (wish I'd thought of it). Go, man, go!! -- Mykal

  2. Thank you both for dropping by and for your comments-
    I have a few things planned coming up in the next few weeks that I think you will enjoy just as much! And, Mykal, I had to try to keep up with the Joneses( or is it, the MYKAL!) If you can do two (or three)blogs, well, I have to try!

  3. Very handsome blog. Love the red accents. It's obvious you have put a lot of thought and time into this blog. I'll be following with interest.


    Thanks for the compliment, Pappy!!
    (Pappy, creator of the greatest Golden Age Comics Blogzine EVER!!)Whew! Get my smelling salts, I'm a little lightheaded...
