Sunday, November 15, 2009

POST # 10 - "DARK RIDER" by John Severin

From EERIE # 8, 1967, today's tale was written by Archie Goodwin and illustrated by a master of American comics, the great John Severin. Severin's striking use of the limited black and white pallete, punctuated by his grey tones of shadow, makes this quite an unforgettable tale, and easily worthy of showcasing here.
I think you will really enjoy this story. It's about three cowboys trying to make their way home through the mountains in the middle of winter, and the snow isn't the biggest worry they have deal with...they seem to be pursued by a relentless and mysterious...DARK RIDER!

If you enjoyed this beautifully illustrated Severin story, why don't you click here? That (other) awesome comics blog TEN CENT DREAMS recently posted a couple of other very cool John Severin westerns! Good stuff!


  1. Thanks for the two new posts. You are really delivering the goods on this website. John Severin is the complete package. His compositions tell the story clearly and his finishes inking) always give an interesting texture. His inking looked really good over Trimpe when those two were teamed on the Hulk. I'll be back again as often as you feel like posting new stuff. Please come visit me at

  2. Thank, Bob. I am with you 100% on the Trimpe/Severin HULK, I love those comics!

  3. Dittos Bob - - I love the way Severin lays out his story and does panel breakdowns; the way he draws heavy winter clothing. You can feel the wind and snow whipping your faces. Nice to see Cousin Eerie wearing a cowboy hat too :)
    thanks Apocolyte
    also thanks for turning me on to
    Ten Cent Dreams blogspot

  4. r/e - my pleasure! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I appreciate you taking the time to tell me so! I have lots more great Severin stuff that I can't wait to share with you and everyone. Thanks!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Apocolyte: sorry, too many typos in original - let me try again!

    Apocolyte: I think this is some of the best Severin I've ever seen. Something about the stark realism of the tale really lends itself to Severin's formal style. I remember reading Kurtzman's memories of his EC days, recalling that he always considered Severin a terrible inker - strictly good for the pencils - and the Severin himself was always frustrated with inking because he could never manage brushwork, only pen work. He (according to Kurtzman) was wildly jealous of Jack Davis, who was a master of the brush work in his inking. According to Kurtzman, Severin kind of idolized Davis.

    The more I look over these panels the better I like it. Such a clean, well told story - and Severin is at the top of his game here, with several panels simply great (like page three with the riders looking down at the crushed and frozen body of the rider). I think his finishes here look pretty darned good!

    You are really doing great work here, my friend!

  7. Aw, shucks, Mykal! I'm only sharing some of my coolest comics from my collection, the wonderful artists and writers deserve all of your praise, obviously. But I really thank you for your compliments, and I will do my best to continue sharing the beauty that these great talents created. There is so much to see!

    See you soon!
